Just that, don't have much words to describe my feeling either excited or expected or coming UK to completed my task.
Is my first time to travel UK,
is my first time to leave home,
is my first time to leave all my family,
is my first time to live with other than family.
Hope this would be my happy memories in the future.
and trying my best to be good.
Before this, I've few people that wanna thanks to.
My love, my aunts, my cousins and my family.
Only 3 or 4 months is staying in UK,
and trying my best to be good.
Before this, I've few people that wanna thanks to.
My love, my aunts, my cousins and my family.
Only 3 or 4 months is staying in UK,
is a shorter time, but when you really go through day by day,
it's D.I.F.F.E.R.E.N.T.
it's D.I.F.F.E.R.E.N.T.
Sunday, 03/06/2012
Visited my lovely cousins.
Had a dinner @Watami Malaysia (Japanese Casual Restaurant) in Paradigm.
Visited my lovely cousins.
Had a dinner @Watami Malaysia (Japanese Casual Restaurant) in Paradigm.
If you like Japaneses food remember this, because their food was really N.I.C.E.
The marks that they gained from was their super polite customers' services.
The marks that they gained from was their super polite customers' services.
For example, when you needed to ordered something, they'd squatted down and make order for you :)
Monday, 04/06/2012
Starting to prepared my stuffs.
My mum bought it since I born and kept it for 22 years.
But, careless me, just broke it T.T
Tuesday, 05/06/2012
my present from my love before the day I leave
My facial products that brought to UK,
Oops, not all is mine.I helping one of my friend to bring too
Oh, my Japanese Cuisine
Wednesday, 06/06/2012
Thanks my 5th aunts purposely come to visit me :)